3rd Precinct Regeneration

Fall 2022, Build/Destroy with Chango Cummings

Group Members: Mengfei Gao, Dillon Wendtland, Jhette Gabriel

The 3rd police precinct of Minneapolis holds a complicated position in the history and community of the city. This project attempts to provide a version of the building that gives back to the people who surround it. In this group project we each provided our own interventions to the site. For my interventions I designed two benches to be placed on the edges of the site. One is created out of the chain link fences that currently surrounds the precinct. It is both sculptural and functional, and serves as a reminder of the ways in which the community has been shut out from the space. The second bench I designed is made of wooden slats and steel bars. The slats, when sat on, conform around the user to create a feeling of being held, as well as an active and reciprocal relationship between the user and the environment around them. Other interventions on the site include: a public art wall, a playground, and a community kitchen within the former precinct.