BDA Studio Redesign

Fall 2022, Anthropometry with Salvador Blumenkron

This course began as an exploration of anthropometric design, but a glaring need for a reimagining of the program's work space demanded we switch focus. However, the anthropometric design aspect remained in the furniture prototypes we designed for our new space. My thesis for this design was the creation of separated studio and lecture spaces to address the noise issues experienced in the room. I also made an effort to give every student their own desk, separating the space into four sections with 16 desks per studio class. I addressed the design needs by adding in soundproofed lecture pods which both insulate the workspace from noise, and introduce buffers in between the social space in the center and the desks on the perimeter. The lecture pods also have integrated shelves on the front and cork boards on the side for a convenient pin up space. For the anthropometric aspect, I designed the 'perfect architecture student desk'. Small drawers for drawing supplies and rulers, a pull out computer ledge, and an integrated light table perfectly measured to fit the dimensions of a 14x17 drawing pad are just some of the features of this desk