Clyfford Still Museum Analysis

Fall 2023, The Art of Daylighting with Mary Guzowski

Group Members: Beau Gaulin, Madie Arell

With the intention of gathering information for redesigning a gallery for a specific artist, my peers and I conducted and extensive analysis of the Clyfford Still Museum by Brad Cloepfil and Chelsea Grassinger of Allied Works. From a whole site scale all the way down to one particular gallery we analyzed how the climate, sun paths, and art informed the design of the museum. From this analysis we concluded that the daylighting design was integrated with temperature and humidity control of the galleries, both by controlling the amount of sunlight allowed in and because the toplighting removes space where such facilities would usually be placed. The artwork on display is majority oil paintings, which are rather sensitive to natural light, so having control over the light through supplemental shading is an important part of the design, as is the seven foot light well between the skylights and the concrete screen that comprises the ceiling of many of the galleries. The particular gallery we chose to model and redesign also included an outdoor terrace space with plants found in places Clyfford Still had lived in. This indoor-outdoor connection allows for some sidelighting to enter the gallery, as well as a place of refuge and relaxation